Donyelle Jones: An Inspiration

Thursday, August 31, 2006

I Don't Like Him ....

Do you know who I'm talking about? I'm talking about Tahir Jahi ... *cringe*. Does that make me a bad person? Does it? I'm not saying I hate him, because I don't even know the guy. Also, another reason for the dislike is that I love Benji and I'm a Benjeller.
T goes on the internet a lot. And the things he posts just don't make it easy for me to like this dude. A couple of posts back, I posted about how he tried to kill the rumors of Benjelle .... And when I was at idolforums in the Benjelle folder, I found this...
This is a video of T ... he talks about having FIVE girlfriends at once and he apoligizes for it. But, at the end .. he's basically saying I'd do it again! Is he seriously still with Donny? I hope she's happy. I really hope she's happy. I really really hope she's happy.
Please comment on what you think .... because, I'm not sure of anything, except I don't like him.


  • *shakes head* This guy just gives me a bad feeling, that's all. I don't know him, and I can't say I hate him, but still. Seriously? This video is just juvenille, whether it's for real or a joke. Maybe he's got some great side that we just don't see, although I doubt it. I feel bad criticizing him if Donny likes him, but it's almost like when you have a friend who's going out with a guy that you're getting bad vibes from.

    This isn't even about Benji/Donny... it's about this guy seemingly being a jerk and Donny not getting hurt by him.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:35 AM  

  • You know, I think the best thing we can do is just ignore this guy. He's obviously doing these things to get publicity for himself and his music. All we are doing is advertising for him and I frankly don't want to be a part of that. Because of the way he is using Donyelle thousands of people now know his name. I don't think we should give him the satisfaction.

    By Blogger cheffournier, at 1:01 AM  

  • was that supposed to b a joke ???
    i don't like him, i'm sorry i don't..i've been trying to fnd reasons simply for Donyelle's sake, there must be a reason she's with him ...i just dont kno wat it is...i'm with u on this one Suzu...the only thing i'm sure of rite now is that i don't like him.
    Cheffournier: i agree with you, so i'm hopin this will b my last statement on him and this matter.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:15 AM  

  • I am a benjeller but i dont usually comment on things but I'm so mad that i have 2 say something. I think this is the worst guy possible for anybody, especially donyelle. First of all he's not good looking and his teeth are terrible. He didnt need 2 be that close to the camera. LoL. Ok but seriously how can you say ur tryna make it right but still saying that you would do it again. I dont even care if its a joke. It wasnt funny. It definately isnt something he should do as a joke knowing us benjellers already dislike him. He left a really bad taste in my mouth. Between this and the blog on myspace, where he acts like donyelle is a piece of property, i dont think i can ever see any good in him. Benji needs to turn into Superman and rescue Donny aka Lois from this obnoxious idiot better known as Tahir.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:44 PM  

  • Thanks everyone for your input!
    Cait: The video is juvenille and get such bad vibes from him!
    Cheffournier: I agree. There is no way I would know his name without Donyelle. No. Way.
    Bajandancer:There's still a little part of me that hopes and prays that she's dumped him already .. and that video was kind of his way at getting back at her...
    Anon: Thanks for posting! All we can say is "Run Donny Run!! Into Benji's Arms!!!!"

    By Blogger Jo-Dean, at 1:03 AM  

  • i am disgusted! donny, get out! seriously, this guy seems like bad news.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:06 AM  

  • You all suck!!! Tahir is a great guy. You all don't even know him and you are all talking complete shit about him. A true Donyelle fan would support her decisions and realize that she is a grown women and can think for herself. If you met Tahir and knew him like all of us do from her studio you would know he is one of the greatest things that ever happened to her.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:46 PM  

  • Hello,nice post thanks for sharing?. I just joined and I am going to catch up by reading for a while. I hope I can join in soon.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:19 PM  

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