Donyelle Jones: An Inspiration

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wah! New Episode Tonight!! Season 3!

I'm so anxious, I'm watching as I type... I really want to see if Benji just pops out of a corner or something!
Woah, they're showing a lot of really ... erm, odd performances. Like, the man who believes he's Anna Nicole's best friend, and whatnot. I'm really really looking for people with a spark and major potential (like Benji, Donyelle, Heidi, and Travis).

WHERE IS BENJI???? They Promised We'd See Familiar Faces. Watch him pop up at the very end. . . and the sad thing is I'll still be sitting here with my laptop waiting to see what will happen.
Wow, I'm really surprised Nigel let the "Gold Inferno" through to the choreography round. Interesting.
I don't remember the contestants being so odd last year ... Seriously, a man who hiccups and a woman who blinks...
I have to admit that the girl who's mother asked her to dance after she was diagnosed with breast cancer really touched my heart. I'm happy she's going to Vegas! But honestly, I'm really waiting to see Benji and I just want to see the top 20 now!
I like Hok, it would be nice to see an asian person in the top 20. But seeing all of this hip hop and breakdancing makes me miss Ivan! I am still so attached to Season 2!

Ah!!! I just saw Benji! He's coming up after the commercial! Yay! He's still full of good fun and Lacey his sissyduckling looks precious!!!! I'm sure she'll make it through. Why is this commercial so long??? Benji, I miss seeing you on television every single week.

Yay, it's back! ...... waiting for Benji and Lacey. Lenji or Bacey... lol. *waiting*
WOW! Lacey was great. I mean, I was expecting her to be awesome and YAY! She fullfilled my expectations! It was really great to see Benji again with all of his happy goofiness. Especially that joke with Cat, "Is it ours?".

So yeah, I loved seeing that...


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